The Horse Heads

The Horse Heads
We’re going to be your favorite family

Monday, February 21, 2011

Pros and Cons

I have put together a list of pros and cons to tell you how the week has gone. Top ten Pros and top ten Cons. Here goes:

Pros: the top ten things that happened this week
10.  My neighbors brought over Valentines Day cookies...YUM
9. We won our volleyball game on Thursday
8. Bachelor is doing hometown visits this week-Yeah!
7. We took advantage of free kids meals at Chilis tonight-Gotta love free food.
6. Ben and I went to Sacrament meeting together for the first time in over a year on Sunday.
5. Seth started to dress and undress himself. A lot of the time he doesn't have any clothes on, but it's fun. 
4. No school today. No one likes school.
3. Josh slept 5 hours yesterday
2. I got 4 showers this week. 4 days out of 7 is good for me these days
1. Josh started to smile at me...this makes it all worth it.

10. Ben got and iphone
9. Ben got an iphone
8. Ben got an iphone
7. Ben got an iphone
6. Ben got an iphone
5. Ben got an iphone
4. Ben got an iphone
3. Ben got an iphone
2. Ben got an iphone
1. Ben got an iphone

Could I please get my husband back...PLEASE!


Aubrey A said...

Ooh wow, I'd dare say you're not liking Ben having an Iphone. My husband "the geek" isn't on his Iphone nearly as much as Ben must be, maybe it'll stop once the "new" wears off. Maybe? Sorry your husbands a "dork." :P

Willow said...

Kurts phone has been the other woman in our marriage for awhile. I feel your pain.

Natalie said...

DEATH TO THE iPHONE!!!!! I totally feel your pain!
The "new" won't wear off, sorry to break it to you... that is the thing with the iPhone, there is something NEW to do every second of everyday with that stupid thing.
Does he use it in church like Topher does??? UGH! Death to the iPhone, once again!

April and Jared Fenn said...

put his iphone down your shirt. Maybe then he'll remember you.

good luck.

Heather said...

he, he, he, he, he, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, HE, HE, HE, HE, HE, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA! I'm still laughing about that one although it's NOT funny! What is it with boys and their toys?