The Horse Heads

The Horse Heads
We’re going to be your favorite family

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Cooking class with Seth

My cute Seth is my middle child. He kind of gets lost in the shuffle sometimes because he is so sweet and cooperative. In order to instill some self-confidence in Seth I've put him in swimming classes, and I've been teaching him how to cook. He's been doing very well at swimming, and because he's the only one in our family who takes lessons it makes him feel special. This is good and great and all, but I'm uber excited to see how much he loves to cook!!! It's one of my loves so I'm glad he is latching on to this talent. Recently he's asked me to teach him to make ramen noodles. 

This is a big deal to him because he LOVES ramen noodles. When he was in his "I'm 2 and no one can make me eat anything I don't want to" days, he would always eat ramen noodles. He is so excited to learn to make it.

We've also made French toast, macaroni and cheese, chocolate chip cookies, brownies, and chicken nuggets! It's been fun!


Aubrey A said...

He's such a cute kid! I'm glad you found a boy to share in your cooking obsession. :)

Aubrey A said...
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