The Horse Heads

The Horse Heads
We’re going to be your favorite family

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Don't you just hate it when this happens?

How many times have you shown up to school, work, a dance, church, or other social function and found someone there with the same outfit on as you? I do this all the time! Then you spend the majority of the time trying to avoid the person just to get home soon enough to change before anyone notices. Well, this happened to Ali and me on Sunday, only we couldn't avoid each other so we did the next best thing, we took a picture like the dorks we are!

So the story continues for us. We take this picture and while we are laughing at ourselves and chatting we look down the hall and notice yet another friend (Kara) with a similar outfit on so we might as well embarrass her and add to the giggling chaos in the foyer.


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