The Horse Heads

The Horse Heads
We’re going to be your favorite family

Monday, February 16, 2009

Project Noah - Week #7

PROJECT NOAH-FEBRUARY WEEK #7 Purchase Items 1. 6 lbs. of yeast (essential for turning wheat into bread). You can buy 2.5 lb packages at Costco for about 3 dollars. Freezing extends shelf life. 2. 3 (or more) Jars of Spaghetti Sauce Activity (FHE or Saturday) Video or photograph your home’s belongings for insurance purposes and fun family memories. Don’t forget to open the cupboards, show closets and garage. Have your kids give a guided tour of their rooms. Make a backup copy and store at another location i.e.: work, relative’s or friend’s house. Pick a favorite recipe that your family likes to eat. Calculate how much of each ingredient it takes. Times that by 12, and you’ll know how much of each ingredient you would have to have stored to make that recipe once a month for a year. Or times it by 24, to know how much you’ll need to be able to make it once every 2 weeks. Timed by 52 and you’ve got a meal per week. You’ll really want to like it to eat it every week…. If you do this with 15 or so recipes, and times each one by 24, you’ll have an entire year’s worth of meals. The more recipes you use, the more variety you’ll have.

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