The Horse Heads

The Horse Heads
We’re going to be your favorite family

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

RAOK Week 2

This week I decided to make it simple. I didn't see but one food drive over the holiday season in our neighborhood. Most years I stock up in September and October so I can have a pile to donate. I gave a bunch to our YM/YW annual food drive and hay ride in December, but had some more to spare. So, for my first RAOK this week I donated the rest of my stash to the food pantry.

It wasn't a lot, but hopefully it helps. 

For my second RAOK, I thought about what I would like to receive if someone did something for me. Because I can't afford to give away a trip to Australia I thought I'd go for a fun night in. Our family loves watching movies mostly because you get to eat a big bowl of popcorn. I have a lot of great memories eating popcorn as a kid with my family. We'd take a huge brown paper grocery bag full of popcorn to my cousins house to eat after Sunday dinner every week. I remember fighting to eat the grannies with my dad while we watched the Disney Sunday night movie. We always joke, "you're not a Wilson if you don't LOVE popcorn." So, I decided to share, and hopefully make a good memory for someone else:)

1 comment:

Aubrey A said...

I'm loving these acts of kindness! What an inspiration you are! Good job Heidi!!!