The Horse Heads

The Horse Heads
We’re going to be your favorite family

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Is he really ready for Kindergarten?

Or should I ask, am I really ready to let another of my babies go to school. Am I ready for kindergarten? I think that he is very ready and excited to go. We went to his school and met the proncipal and both kindergarten teachers and played in the classrooms. He had a blast! He is so much more friendly and outgoing than Noah ever was so he was talking to other kids and playing with them. One of the teachers has all the sight words that they learn throughout the kindergarten year taped to the floor, and he knew a lot of them. I am not worried at all about him succeeding in school, I am just sad to see him go. I hope that he continues to be excited through the summer.


Aubrey A said...

Ah, he doesn't seem old enough. I can still remember the face he pulled when he was a baby after Aaron scared him. It doesn't seem that long ago. Now Aaron doesn't scare him at all. I guess he is all grown up. :) Crazy!!

Carina said...

The time will only go faster and faster! He will love K and I am very impressed that he knows site words already. My boys struggle so much with reading so feel blessed that you have two good readers! Was just thinking today that this time next year Janae will be moving into Freshman, Drew into Jr. High, and Zach into 4th. Talk about CRAZY!!!

April and Jared Fenn said...

You are officially old. I am young since my kid hasn't even gone into Preschool. :)

Mel said...

It is such a bittersweet moment. What a smart boy knowing sight words already!!